Performance Breakthrough
The FOUR Secrets of Passionate Organizations

Starter Idea Category: Acceptance

Dig deep

Get beyond the superficial and learn about your employees and what makes them tick. Take advantage of the following ways to dig deep: Conduct personal history meetings/discussions: Find out about your employees’ childhood, families, hobbies, favorite jobs, etc. These meetings can happen one-on-one or in groups. Ask: Meet one-on-one with each team member to ask … Continued

Vary communication media

Twenty years ago, communication was much simpler. Face-to-face, phone, and print were just about the only options we had. These days we’ve got e-mail, instant messaging, texting, webcasts, blogs, social networks, and more. Choosing the right communication medium is more important than ever. While generational differences aren’t the only reasons to vary com- munication media, they … Continued

Differentiate learning and development

One size does not fit all in the area of learning and development. Learning programs should incorporate a level of flexibility to sup- port individuals with different needs and learning styles. Some specific ways to add individual flexibility include self assessments to determine specific developments needs goal plans to tailor development action items facilitated discussions … Continued

Differentiate motivation and compensation

We tend to try to motivate people the way we would be motivated. We assume if we’re motivated by money, other people will be as well. Again, the key here is to incorporate a level of flexibility to support people in different life situations with different motivations. If someone’s primary motivation is quality time with … Continued

Embrace flexible schedules

The days of the nine-to-five husband and the stay-at-home house- wife are obviously long gone. The days of working only while we’re at the office are long gone too. Thanks to the Internet and smart- phones, we’re able to work whenever and wherever we are. This means that organizations should take advantage of flexible schedules … Continued

Understand generational dynamics

The baby boomers think Generation Y expects everything handed to them on a silver platter and can’t understand their work ethic. Generation Y workers are incredibly tech savvy and multitask like no other generation has before. Generation X is caught in the mid- dle of baby boomers who haven’t retired yet, and don’t want to … Continued